Thursday, June 11, 2015

Everyone has resurrected as noted in the Old

Weapons Documentary Everyone has resurrected as noted in the Old Testament where it expresses that God separates and modifies. That implies that we are conceived and broken; reawakened and refined; attempted and tried, and the time allotment over which this has happened is approximately 4,000 years in length. From the earliest starting point to the end of the day of the Lord this has been going on and we are toward the end of it.

This would remain an incredible secret aside from the dreams given to me. In one, a line connected far in front. All of a sudden a colossal splendid light rose from where I stood and angled over the line to the end. There in extensive capital letters was EVE. In the center where it was practically dim was NOON and where I stood it was EVENING.

Where it said twelve there was a figure on a cross high over an extensive group who were coming to upwards towards him. That spoke to Jesus Christ and it brought obscurity over the course of the day and the start of the winter of the evening. It likewise spoke to a period of around 2,000 years prior. That is the way the length of the day was depicted to me.

The book of scriptures opened at Isaiah 59: 10 which expresses that they grab for the divider as though visually impaired while they bumble at twelve days as in the night. It infers that they are in ruined places as dead men.

Jesus Christ is advanced as the Prince of Peace however for the time since his gathered landing there have been only wars, torment, individuals smoldered alive for hostile to religious convictions, which chases, and annihilation, the like of which had never been.

In another vision, there was a man on a cross who looked at me without flinching and called my name. Inside I listened "take me off the cross".

My otherworldly existence is solid and the connection to the Spirit similarly. That implies that I know there is stand out God and that the Trinity is fiction. In another vision not long after these words stood up before my eyes in huge capital letters: CONSTANTINE IS 666.

Driven by the Spirit into a protracted time of exploration it was not long after that his part in the foundation of the Catholic Church was found. He was an Amorite whose unique capital city was Babylon. The Amors moved west and constructed Roma (reverse Amor) subsequent to vanquishing all countries in the middle.

Their boss god was Mari, the sun-star unmistakable through the opening at the highest point of ziggurats. Her hallowed sign is the cross and men thought they could "weed" Mary by passing on the cross at the first light. This thought pervaded the antiquated world where execution of purported god-men or substitutes were basic at equinox when they would be announced father divine beings.

Constantine tried to end this practice and his objective was to be the
sole ruler and the main god worshiped. That was his inspiration when he annulled torturous killing before he called the Council of Nicaea. In Revelation 13:13-18 it expresses that he imagined Jesus Christ, which was his method for supplanting past god-men with one that he could control.


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